Xiaoyu Liu, MPH
Study Personnel
Clinical Research Data Specialist I
Xiaoyu Liu is a clinical research data specialist at CS-CORE and recent graduate of the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, where he received his master's degree of public health from the Department of Health Policy and Management. He also received his bachelor of science degree in management from Wuhan University in China.
Liu came to CS-CORE as a health services research intern, during which he collaborated on a virtual reality (VR) project to develop a standardized methodology for clinical trial of VR in healthcare and assess the methodological quality of previously published clinical therapeutic VR studies. Liu is currently working on the project funded by PCORI (Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute) to compare the effectiveness of different patient-provide communication strategies in the management of chronic pain. His broad research interests include patient-provider communication, chronic pain care, cost-effectiveness, and digital health.