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Itai Danovitch, MD, MBA
Chairman, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences

Dr. Danovitch is a clinician, educator and administrator. After completing his fellowship training in Addiction Psychiatry, he became Associate Fellowship Director and Director of Addiction Services. In those roles he developed addiction curricula, delivered training to physicians (both in psychiatric training and in general medical and surgical residencies), and supervised clinical programs.


In 2012 he was appointed Chairman of Psychiatry at Cedars-Sinai, where he has overseen a significant reorganization of the department and led a series of system-wide organizational performance improvement initiatives focused on implementation of clinical best-practices, enhancing operational efficiencies, and improving quality and consistency of patient care. As a member of the executive leadership team at Cedars-Sinai, he leads a Performance Improvement Committee and serves on several Institutional Committees overseeing Quality, Clinical Practice, and Leadership. Outside of Cedars-Sinai, he has been active in several professional associations, particularly the American Society of Addiction Medicine. In 2013 he was elected President of the California Society of Addiction Medicine, where he has led the development of a strategic plan for the organization, and strengthened the organizations role in the oversight, development, and dissemination of quality improvement and practice guidelines.


Dr. Danovitch has a track record of effectiveness in areas that will be critical to the proposed study, including development of educational curricula, dissemination of resources and training, cultivation of stakeholder engagement, compliance with hospital regulatory requirements, and clinical oversight for challenges that emerge among patients with substance use disorders or co-occurring mental health problems.

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